Thursday, March 19, 2020

Free Essays on Laughter

When told of this assignment I had no clue where to begin. I didn’t know what I wanted to write about or even what the topic was. I than called a friend from class, which really didn’t help me cause he didn’t know either what to write about. Than it hit me as I was watching Will Ferrell from Saturday Night Live do his classic impression of Harry Carry. I burst out laughing and after doing so was left with that feeling of deliciousness. The feeling you get when something you say makes someone laugh for forever. Or the feeling you get when you watch Homer Simpson do something stupid. It’s the feeling of joy. I guess it all stems back to when I was a little kid. I always enjoyed the feeling after a good chuckle. You felt alive and happy. I recall leaving the movie theatre after watching Home Alone and laughing at all the traps that Kevin set on the wet bandits. I felt great. You really cannot beat that pure feeling of happiness. Unless of course your on some magical drug. Which is beside the point but in that case it’s a great feeling, but only a different great feeling. Laughing is the cure for everything in my eyes. If your sad, laughing cheers you up. If you are sick, laughing is like the Dayquil of wonders. If you just lost an arm, well I am sure laughing will cheer you up a little, although losing an arm is an intense thing. Yes its really intense. The point is that no matter what, laughing will bring that great smile upon your face and make that moment or even your day better. My grandpa contributed to a lot of my laughter as a child. He always knew how to have a good time and make light of every moment. He would always make jokes at the dinner table and do funny impressions. He was never serious. I guess looking back it’s a good thing and a bad thing. Theirs times to be serious and times to not care. But even those times of seriousness need a little laughter. And that’s where he came in. I... Free Essays on Laughter Free Essays on Laughter When told of this assignment I had no clue where to begin. I didn’t know what I wanted to write about or even what the topic was. I than called a friend from class, which really didn’t help me cause he didn’t know either what to write about. Than it hit me as I was watching Will Ferrell from Saturday Night Live do his classic impression of Harry Carry. I burst out laughing and after doing so was left with that feeling of deliciousness. The feeling you get when something you say makes someone laugh for forever. Or the feeling you get when you watch Homer Simpson do something stupid. It’s the feeling of joy. I guess it all stems back to when I was a little kid. I always enjoyed the feeling after a good chuckle. You felt alive and happy. I recall leaving the movie theatre after watching Home Alone and laughing at all the traps that Kevin set on the wet bandits. I felt great. You really cannot beat that pure feeling of happiness. Unless of course your on some magical drug. Which is beside the point but in that case it’s a great feeling, but only a different great feeling. Laughing is the cure for everything in my eyes. If your sad, laughing cheers you up. If you are sick, laughing is like the Dayquil of wonders. If you just lost an arm, well I am sure laughing will cheer you up a little, although losing an arm is an intense thing. Yes its really intense. The point is that no matter what, laughing will bring that great smile upon your face and make that moment or even your day better. My grandpa contributed to a lot of my laughter as a child. He always knew how to have a good time and make light of every moment. He would always make jokes at the dinner table and do funny impressions. He was never serious. I guess looking back it’s a good thing and a bad thing. Theirs times to be serious and times to not care. But even those times of seriousness need a little laughter. And that’s where he came in. I...

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