Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Doctoral Research Process â€Æ

Question: Write an essay on The Doctoral Research Process ? Answer: Source: Maleki, M., Akbarzadeh Pasha, M. (2012). Ethical Challenges: Customer's Rights., 9(4), 5-21. The ecommerce business has opened up potential business opportunities. But there are various ethical issues that are arising which mostly surround the customers. There are various ways in which the ethics has affected the ecommerce business. This has increased the responsibility of the IT professionals towards increasing the trust of the consumers towards the e-commerce business by introducing certain ethical standards and abiding by those standards. This will make the ecommerce business more reliable and trust worthy (Jimerson, 2013). But the most worrisome activity for the customers as well as the developers is the trusting on the ecommerce sites (Fabregat, 2013). Technology has opened up new opportunities but it has also introduced certain illegal and immoral activities. The general society including the IT professionals has to abide by the ethical standards. There are some ethical challenges that are faced by the engineers while providing the service to the customers. But the IT professionals involved in the e-commerce business has to abide by the ethical principles so that the trust of the consumers increases and any kind of risk related to the ethics is avoided. This will increase the trust of the consumers and they will be able to trust more on the e-commerce sites. The e-commerce business activity will grow ('eCommerce', 2013). It is utmost important that the IT professionals follow the ethical guidelines which will increase the confidence of the customers. They must seek for possible solutions to encourage the trust of the consumers (Guptara, 1999). Source: Kenneth McBride, N. (2014). ACTIVE ethics: an information systems ethics for the internet age. J Of Inf, Com Eth In Society, 12(1), 21-44. doi:10.1108/jices-06-2013-0017 Ethical standards in the information systems are an important aspects and it increases the responsibility of the IT professionals to abide by the ethical guidelines. The information system forms an essential part of the social systems and the ethical and the social issues will be addressed by the cooperation of the IT professionals (Scott, 2002). It will lead to the successful implementation of the information system services. There are certain codes of ethics that the IT professional has to abide. These codes of ethics form an important part of the business. The customer trust and reliability towards the various information systems will increase as a result of the participation of the IT professionals in maintenance of the integrity of the IT industry. IT has opened up new opportunities but it has also introduced potential hazards. It has introduced various forms of illegal activities. It has also introduced various illegal activities regarding the use of the Internet. It is the res ponsibility of the IT professionals to build firewall protection and provide password protection so that the illegal activities can be prevented in an adequate manner. This will increase the trust and reliability of the customers. The illegal activities can be reduced to a considerable extent (Jin, Drozdenko Bassett, 2006). Source: Monk,,. (2015). Good engineers. European Journal Of Engineering Education, 22(3), 235. The IT professionals are responsible for making judgments and promoting the decisions. The code of practices is used by the IT professionals for the purpose of decision making. But the decision making process of the IT professionals is a tough job. The IT professionals have to keep a balance between the good judgment and the bad judgment. They have to use their wisdom to make decisions. The customers face certain ethical dilemmas which tend to break their trust. But the IT professionals have to ensure that the ethical values are preserved. The customers tend to be swayed away by the advertisements regarding the performance of a particular electronic product but it is the responsibility of the IT professionals to prepare the product in such a manner so that the trust of the customers is maintained. The products must deliver the high performance and it must be efficient (Derbyshire, 2008). This will make the device efficient and user friendly. The reliability and trust of the consumers will increase. Thus the IT professionals have to abide by the code of conduct and they must not suffer from ethical dilemmas. This increase the confidence of the customers and the reliability will increase (Bauml, 2013). Source: Monk, J. (2008). Ethics, Engineers and Drama. Sci Eng Ethics, 15(1), 111-123. doi:10.1007/s11948-008-9099-9 The IT professionals are seen to suffer from ethical dilemmas and they are not able to make wise choices between the available alternatives. The engineers must possess the skills to deal with the ethical issues that are faced by them. They must be able to deal with the ethical issues and make their engagement with people that are persuasive and know how to make negotiations. While IT professionals have obligations regarding the successful creation, establishment, operation, upkeep or transfer of hardware they are prone to have extra allegiances inside of the more extensive group and duties towards closer weave gatherings, for example, work associates and crew (den Bergh Deschoolmeester, 2010). These diverse gatherings have distinctive intrigues and worth things distinctively and this can create circumstances that set one obligation or worth against another. Defied by such circumstances the designer needs to make his or her own particular judgments and pass on them convincingly. Freq uently the circumstance is developing quickly so judgments lay on fractional or confounding information shaded by forceful feelings and passed on with differing degrees of ability and flurry. By and by, unpalatable results can rise in light of justifiable misjudgments or since a proficient's pride or willfulness makes they disregard choices, since different hobbies are purposely and untrustworthily distorted or on the grounds that activity to accommodate a problem is in light of flawed rationale. Such settings have the potential to prompt individual tragedies, and in this way recommend situations for screenwriters to abuse. While numerous contextual investigations barely concentrate on designing issues, dramatization is generally kept in touch with location a wide crowd and ordinarily conveys to tolerate a more extensive scope of human concerns which are obligated to impact the honing proficient. Periodically the sensational connection has a designing flavor and the outcome is valua ble instructive asset for building understudies. Formalized implicit rules, for example, are an aide and endeavor to suspect troublesome circumstances however they are likewise a rich hotspot for the playwright (Brunswick, 2009). The screenwriter's assignment is not to develop the code, in any case, to design circumstances where the tenets of the code create inconsistencies. The ethics and code of conduct of the IT professionals are as important as the code of ethics of the doctors. Violation of the ethical codes is subjected to punishment. There must be transparency between the customers and the IT professionals. The transparency of the procedures will make the system legal and it will not be subjected to any kind of illegal activity. The moral principles have to be followed. The reliability of the customers will increase. They will trust in ecommerce sites and the information that is presented in the internet. The awareness of the IT professionals has to be increased that will promote the awareness of the IT professionals towards the ethical values and guidelines. This will make the IT professionals more disciplined and they will focus towards the information users. The IT professionals have experience on the professional development and they must focus on the customer service (Cofta, 2006). References Bauml, U. (2013). eCommerce - Der Kunde ist im Netz.CON,25(6), 281-283. doi:10.15358/0935-0381_2013_6_281 Brunswick, S. (2009). eCommerce fraud time to act?.Card Technology Today,21(1), 12-13. doi:10.1016/s0965-2590(09)70019-2 Cofta, P. (2006). Convergence and trust in eCommerce.BT Technol J,24(2), 214-218. doi:10.1007/s10550-006-0063-4 den Bergh, J., Deschoolmeester, D. (2010). Ethical Decision Making in ICT: Discussing the Impact of an Ethical Code of Conduct.CIBIMA, 1-11. doi:10.5171/2010.127497 Derbyshire, S. (2008). The Ethical Dilemma of Ethical Committees.Sociology Compass,2(5), 1506-1522. doi:10.1111/j.1751-9020.2008.00143.x eCommerce. (2013).CON,25(6), 311-311. doi:10.15358/0935-0381_2013_6_311 Fabregat, J. (2013). Explicit Training in Human Values and Social Attitudes of Future Engineers in Spain.Sci Eng Ethics,19(4), 1551-1556. doi:10.1007/s11948-013-9487-7 Guptara, P. (1999). Ethics and Values.Business Ethics,8(3), 196-198. doi:10.1111/1467-8608.00150 Jimerson, R. (2013). Values and Ethics.Journal Of Information Ethics,22(2), 21-45. doi:10.3172/jie.22.2.21 Jin, K., Drozdenko, R., Bassett, R. (2006). Information Technology Professionals Perceived Organizational Values and Managerial Ethics: An Empirical Study.Journal Of Business Ethics,71(2), 149-159. doi:10.1007/s10551-006-9131-4 Scott, E. (2002). Organizational Moral Values.Business Ethics Quarterly,12(1), 33. doi:10.2307/3857647

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