Monday, December 23, 2019

Welfare Should Not Be Removed Completely - 1721 Words

Welfare should not be removed completely, for some actually need it, but it should be limited to prevent people from abusing the system and cheating taxpayers out of their money. Welfare is a program designed to help people in need, like the poor or the disabled, who want and diligently try to work, but lack the capability to find for a job that pays enough money for them to support themselves and their families. In that way, welfare is a beneficial program. There are people on the other hand who abuse welfare by being non-thrifty and improperly using the money to buy wants for themselves as opposed to needs for their families. So the question is, how to give a helping hand to those in need, but not allow abusers to cheat people in need†¦show more content†¦Perhaps the two biggest products that welfare abusers buy are drugs (like marijuana, cocaine, etc.) and cigarettes. Everyday addicts take their welfare checks that they were given to with the intention of buying necessities for their families like bread and milk, but instead buy addictive content such as drugs and cigarettes. Another way addicts get their hands on their â€Å"wants† is that the addicts will sell their food stamps for money to obtain these addicting products. â€Å"Approximately 20 percent of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients reported having used an illicit drug at least once in the past year.† (Vitter 3). Another way welfare abusers abuse welfare is by improperly investing their money in the wrong places. An example of this is an investment in â€Å"living large equipment† (like cars, big houses, etc.) The money obtained to support the non-working/thrifty man is unfortunately supported by the working man’s tax money. Unfortunately, people who do these perhaps maliciously intended actions have a tenacity to last on welfare for a long time (generations to be specific). If this trend keeps up, then America will be spending 1 million dollars on welfare (which is much more money than is needed to support people who are fairly, valiantly, and legitimately using welfare because those people honestly need the money to support their families and are trying to make a difference. Not all people on welfare are guilty of these foul

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